歯科医 東のウェブログ
JOE March/2013
JOE March/2013
Anesthetic Efficacy of a primary articaine infiltration and a repeat articaine infiltration in the incisive/mental nerve region of mandibular premolars: A prospective, randomized, single-blind study
(About the incisive/mental nerve black.
Revascularization: A treatment for permanent teeth with necrotic pulp and incomplete root development
Prognostic factors for clinical outcomes according to time after direct pulp capping
Outcomes of surgical endodontic treatment performed by a modern technique: An updated meta-analysis of the literrature
Estimation of the failure risk of a maxillary premolar with different crack depths with endodontic treatment by computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing ceramic restorations
Effect of various endodontic irrigants of the push-out bond strength of Biodentine and conventional root perforation repair materials
Micro-computed tomography evaluation of the preparation of mesiobuccal root canals in maxillary first molars with Hyflex CM, Twisted Files, and K3 instruments