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手用ハブラシは、プラークスコアが42%であった。Quigley and Heinプラークインデックスで30%、海軍プラークインデックスで50%であった。さらにハブラシの毛のデザインの違いによりプラークスコアは24%から61%の違いがあった。ブラッシング時間もプラークスコアに影響があった。


Slot, D., Wiggelinkhuizen, L., Rosema, N., Van der Weijden, G.: The Efficacy of Manual Toothbrush Following a Brushing Exercise: A Systematic Review. Int J Dent Hygiene 10: 187-197, 2012.

Quigley-Hein Plaque Index
This periodontal index records the presence of plaque on the labial/buccal and lingual surfaces of all teeth except the third molars and is performed following a 30 second rinsing with a disclosing solution of basic fuchsin.
Dental plaque is registered on a scale of 0 to 5, with 0 revealing no plaque,
1 showing flecks of stain at the gingival margin,
2 showing a definite line of plaque at the gingival margin,
3 revealing stained plaque at the gingival third of the crown,
4 revealing two-thirds of the surface stained,
5 having greater than two-thirds of the surface stained.
An index for the entire mouth is determined by dividing the total score by the number of surfaces examined
(Quigley and Hein 1962;Turesky et al.1970)

Turesky-Glimore-Glickman Index
A modified plaque index that reveals and records microbial plaque following the system devised by Gertrude Quigley and John Hein in 1962.The modification consists in the method of recording/reporting plaque severity. A score of 0 is given for each surface scored as low(0 or 1) and a score of 1 for each surface scored as high(2 or more)
(Turesky et al. 1970)

Navy Plaque Index(NPI)
This index is one part of the Navy periodontal screening examination(NPSE). The NPI, following the use of disclosing wafers or a solution to expose plaque, measures plaque in the cervical areas of the tooth in contact with the gingival margin. The areas measured and scores given are the medial proximal surface(M-3), the distal proximal surface(D-3), the facial or gingival surface(G-2), and the facial or lingual surface(R-1) if plaque is not in contact with the gingival tissue. The highest total for any of the six teeth scored is the patient’s NPI(Hancok and Wirthlin 1977;Grossman and Fedi 1974).

2013-11-16 全米健康栄養調査 乾いたハブラシで磨く